My first models

There is something first picture.


Humans have a complex brain, which is much larger than that of the other living apes. They use language, make ideas, and feel emotions. This brain, and the fact that arms are not needed for walking, lets humans use tools.
Humans use tools far more than any other species. Their tools are very advanced.


I tried the site.
Humans have a complex brain, which is much larger than that of the other living apes. They use language, make ideas, and feel emotions. This brain, and the fact that arms are not needed for walking, lets humans use tools.
Humans use tools far more than any other species. Their tools are very advanced.

My second step

I tried Blender program.
Humans have a complex brain, which is much larger than that of the other living apes. They use language, make ideas, and feel emotions. This brain, and the fact that arms are not needed for walking, lets humans use tools.
Humans use tools far more than any other species. Their tools are very advanced.

My start

My beginning was a 3D sketchbook. I thought about what to do next.
Humans have a complex brain, which is much larger than that of the other living apes. They use language, make ideas, and feel emotions. This brain, and the fact that arms are not needed for walking, lets humans use tools.
Humans use tools far more than any other species. Their tools are very advanced.

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